坂★光敏(ばん みつとし)
1971 愛知県名古屋市生まれ
1995 南山大学外国語学部英米科卒業
2003 武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵科卒業
2004 アートトレイスギャラリー設立
2010 アーティストブック「Man & Girl」上梓(アートトレイスより出版・販売)
2016 ポーランドで開催の「International Drawing Festival」にて個展
2016 那須アートアパートメントに参加。1ヶ月間泊まり込み、ライブドローイングを実施
2017 日本・ポーランド交換展示「Double Line」を開催 ヴロツワフの「Neon Gallery」でグループ展を実施
2005,2006,2007,2010,2011,2012,2014,2017 個展 アートトレイス・ギャラリー/両国
2009 グループ展 「サイボーグの夢」(長沢秀之氏企画) アートトレイス・ギャラリー/両国。2013 2人展「世界の重さ、最初の手ー高木秀典・坂光敏展」(松浦寿夫氏企画)なびす画廊/銀座 他、個展・グループ展多数。
Mitsutoshi Burn is born in Nagoya, Japan in 1971.
Graduate from Nanzan University - Department of British and American Studies in the Faculty of Foreign Studies in 1995.
Resign from a travel agency-JTB(Japan Travel Bureau) and aspire to be an artist in 1998.
Enter Musashino Art University, Depertment of Painting in 1999.
Join in NPO about modern art "ART TRACE" in 2002.
Graduate from Musashino Art University in 2003.
Establish the gallery run only by artsits named "ART TRACE GALLERY" in Ryogoku, Tokyo in 2004.
Publish artist book "Man & Girl" by ART TRACE in 2010.
Solo exhibition at ART TRACE GALLERY in 2005,2006,2007,2010,2011,2012,2014,2017 and other gallery. Many group exhibitions.
Invited and join "International Drawing Triennale" in Wroclaw, Poland.
Hold a solo exhibiton and Long-Live-Drawing in at BOSA gallery staying about one month in 2016.
Invited and join "Nasu Art Apartment Project" in Nasu, Tochigi-Pref. in Japan.
Hold a Long-Live-Drawing in a room of the Ryokan(Japanese-style hotel) in Nasu staying about one month in 2016.
Mainly make works which are made by repetitious and geometrical pattern.
And make many small drawing works mainly on postcards (small drawing works include 192-page-artist book "Man & Girl").
Begin "Long-Live-Drawing" since 2011 and hold 9 times until now, which is huge drawing work painted on the
wall and floor of a gallery or room. They are broadcast by youtube on live and draws about 5-8 hours per day,
continues about one month without holiday.
Artist Book